Abbott an American health care and medical devices company is one of the largest MNC pharmas operating in India. The Abbott team approached Velocita for its marketing communication design refresh for India and other SEA locations, with a brief to create collateral design that would resonate with their audience of medical professionals, patients and internal stakeholders.
Case Timeline
Abbott | Brochure Design, Print, POSM

Finding a differentiator for Abbott’s communication was the base. Stemming from Abbott’s brand promise – We are here for the people we serve in their pursuit of healthy lives we arrived at our key message and theme ‘Abbott makes life better’ .
From this insight, we worked with the Abbott team to create or repurpose the content to tie in to our key message across formats – standees, tent cards, dockets, product flyers and finally for corporate and project brochures.

Communicating the
right message
The Abbott way of passionately and thoughtfully translating science into lasting contributions to health had to come through in our messaging. We worked closely with Abbott to first set out the exact content which should be included in the brochure design and other print collaterals.
From the cover, the brochure designs reflect Abbott’s promise of making human lives better.

Identifying the
right design style
Caring for human life and health is central to the work done at Abbott and defines their responsibility to those they serve. At one’s healthiest, one is capable of achieving anything.
We focused on this outcome of care to arrive at the visual theme design of focusing on healthy people. We used photography and stock images showing happy people in natural surroundings, being their best selves. Number of design elements supported visuals of happy people across pages to create a clean yet engaging layout that delivers visual impact.

The various brochure designs and the focused messaging that conveys Abbott’s hand in transforming the healthcare landscape in South East Asia has received great feedback, it also helps present Abbott Healthcare as committed to innovation and providing the best service to its audiences.